北広島ハムクラブ   JA8YOW


 以後、栄枯盛衰の歴史をくりかえしながら現在に至っているが、この間、JA8OHG、JA8OBZ、JA8EKE、JA8JNJ、JA8TLQ、JH8REZ、JH8LKQ、JE8MFG、JA8SNAらが歴代会長を務め、この間、北広島無線赤十字奉仕団という側面も併せ持ち、日本赤十字無線奉仕団への加入をし、東広島こばとハムクラブ JA4ZTYとの姉妹クラブ締結などの成果を修めることができました。
 これも偏に、会員のJA8YOWに対する愛着、そしてアマチュア無線への情熱の賜であり、今後益々会員相互の交流の中で JA8YOW 北広島ハムクラブ の発展を望みたい。

JA8YOW  北広島ハムクラブ一同

Club History

Until 1971, when the development of the Kitahiroshima housing complex began, in Kitahiroshima City (at that time, Hiroshima-cho, Sapporo-gun), although there were individual activities such as JA8ADK and JA8ELE, Sapporo-gun was still active.
  As a super-A county, there were no unified club activities. A meeting of volunteers in the town was held at the suggestion of JA8JQQ, and in 1972, Kitahiroshima Ham Club was established, leading to the opening of JA8YOW.
 Since then, JA8OHG, JA8OBZ, JA8EKE, JA8JNJ, JA8TLQ, JH8REZ, JH8LKQ, JE8MFG, JA8SNA, etc. have served as successive presidents.
 I also joined the Japanese Red Cross Radio Volunteer Corps, and was able to achieve results such as establishing a sister club with Higashihiroshima Kobato Ham Club JA4ZTY.
 In addition, JCG service, which is one of the club's important businesses, has made JA8YOW well-known throughout the country.
 In other words, the JCG services provided by member stations are Sapporo-gun (now Kitahiroshima City), Atsuta-gun, Hamamasu-gun, Yufutsu-gun (Shimukappu), Furuu-gun, Okushiri-gun, Rishiri-gun, Mitsuishi-gun, Usu-gun, Niikappu-gun, It has been providing services to Jin counties in Hexi county for 51 years.
 Among them, there are also fierce people who travel around the country individually and service JCC and JCG.
 In addition, we have achieved sufficient results in radio support activities for rehabilitation camps and city events held every year, as well as public experiments.
 This is partly due to the members' affection for JA8YOW and their passion for amateur radio, and I hope that JA8YOW will continue to develop through interaction among members.

JA8YOW  Kitahiroshima Ham club Everyone